IBM CEO’s AI investment raises eyebrows

IBM’s CEO stopped hiring people for many non-customer-facing jobs and said that AI could replace up to half of the new jobs. However, he still invested a lot of money in a new AI company.

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna froze hiring for thousands of back-office jobs and predicted that AI would take up to 50% of new jobs. But he still invested $235 million in a new AI company called Databricks.

Krishna said that AI would automate many of the back-office processes that are done by humans. He also said that AI would help companies to be more productive.

However, Krishna’s investment in Databricks has led to some criticism. Some people say that it is hypocritical for Krishna to invest in AI while also freezing hiring for back-office jobs.

Others say that Krishna is simply being realistic about the future of work. They say that AI is inevitable and that companies need to start preparing for it now.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they agree with Krishna’s actions. However, the article does raise some interesting questions about the future of work and the role of AI in our society.

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna believes that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform businesses. He has said that AI will automate many of the back-office processes that are done by humans and that it could even do some jobs better than humans can.

In May 2023, IBM announced that it was freezing hiring for 7,800 roles that it expected to be impacted by AI over the next five years. However, the company has also been investing in AI startups. In August 2023, IBM announced that it was participating in a $235 million funding round for Hugging Face, a popular open-source machine-learning library.

Hugging Face has partnerships with other major tech players, including Microsoft and Amazon. The Amazon partnership is similar to IBM’s, where Hugging Face models are available to AWS’s enterprise clients.

IBM’s investment in Hugging Face is a sign that the company is committed to AI. Krishna has said that he believes AI is here to stay, and that it will play an important role in the future of work.

Here are some of the key points of the article:

  • IBM CEO Arvind Krishna is bullish on AI.
  • He believes that AI will automate many jobs and transform businesses.
  • IBM has been investing in AI startups, including Hugging Face.
  • Hugging Face is a popular open-source machine-learning library.
  • IBM’s investment in Hugging Face is a sign of the company’s commitment to AI.